Collaboration in Action (CIA) Interprofessional Rural Practice

The Collaboration in Action (CIA) Interprofessional Rural Practice experience is an interprofessional education opportunity designed to allow learners from different professions to engage in collaborative activities in the clinical learning environment.

This experience involves pairs of Doctor of Physical Therapy and MD Rural Physician Associate Program (RPAP) learners identified as co-located in rural clinical environments during full-time rotations. The focus is to learn about, from, and with each other as providers in a rural context and as applied to their future careers.

Participants complete a series of interactive interprofessional activities: 

  • Social engagement focused on roles and responsibilities
  • Half-day shadowing exchange with reflective debriefing questions
  • Written case study discussion focused on teams and teamwork
  • Independent reflection including focus on roles, teams, and values/ethics

The purpose of this intentional interprofessional collaboration in the clinical learning environment is to promote: 

  • Emphasis on and value of collaborative practice through authentic experiential learning. 
  • Growth and professional development in shared communication skills and the roles and responsibilities across professions.
  • Awareness and development of cross-discipline interprofessional opportunities in practice.

Several Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies are developed through these activities:

  • Communication: C 1, 3, 5
  • Roles & Responsibilities: RR 2, 4
  • Teams & Teamwork: TT 2, 3, 10
  • Values & Ethics: VE 5

Questions? Email [email protected].