
Many things make you who you are, whether they are inherent or learned from experiences. Personality is just one part of all that makes you act and react the way you do, but understanding it can have a huge impact on how you develop and function in teams.

Since this issue is rooted in teamwork, it’s essential we touch on the personal self as well. Not everyone thinks or acts as you do, realizing these differences can be the key to functioning cohesively and successfully as a team through conflict.

Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels, Explorers

16 Personalities

There are plenty of ways to measure personality! We are going to focus on one test that is part of just one theory of many, the 16 personalities test. This is a free test rooted in the Myers-Briggs theory of personality. Taken by millions, this test gives you a type made up of an acronym which categorizes where you stand on one side or another for 5 major categories of self. Given that, you can dive deep into a wealth of knowledge surrounding your strengths, weaknesses, relationships, career, etc! Better yet you can look at what makes you different from others, a step to better understanding and appreciating those around you.

Pro tip: The word “weakness” can be intimidating, especially when you are newer to self-introspection. A great feature of the 16 Personalities results is that it frames what might be seen as weaknesses rather as... Hey! You are great at this, but it makes certain things like blank or blank more difficult for you.  This view sheds an optimistic light, better facilitating how you go about developing skills to help yourself out, not to change who you are.

Take the 16 Personalities Test

November 22, 2021

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