Collaboration in Action (CIA) Learner-Driven Curriculum

The Collaboration in Action (CIA) Learner-Driven Curriculum is a hybrid interprofessional education opportunity designed to allow learners from different professions to engage in collaborative activities in the clinical learning environment, with little to no burden on sites and preceptors.

Learners are assigned to interprofessional teams of Peer Allied Learners (PALs) to engage in a variety of activities promoting interprofessional competency development.


Participants will engage with the Collaboration in Action (CIA): Learner-Driven Curriculum over a defined timeframe in conjunction with a rotation experience, and they may participate in activities such as: 

  • Reframing Your Why: Engage in an interactive module, revisiting interprofessional identity formation as they transition into practice and reflecting on patient perspective in team-based care.
  • Engaging with Peer Allied Learners (PALs): Learn, network, and create mutual support with other University of Minnesota interprofessional learners.
  • Teams in Action: Observe or engage with a team in action in the CLE, assess the interaction through a team observation guide, and reflect on the experience with PALs.  
  • Consultation in Action: Consult with PAL(s) on a patient/client/population/system case identified on rotation to consider new perspectives and promote ability to address challenges in practice. 
  • Day in the Life Video: Create a 3-5 minute video showcasing a “day in the life” at their rotation experience. Reflect with PALs about what they learned from watching one another’s videos. 
  • Communities in Action: Collaborate with PAL group to conduct a community needs assessment, and provide recommendations to improve health for that community. 


Through participation in this experience, learners will:

  • Identify how their individual professional identity plays a role in the interprofessional practice setting.
  • Expand knowledge of and articulate the roles and responsibilities of one’s own and other professions and develop interprofessional peer networks by making personal and professional connections.
  • Apply valuable skills in the clinical learning environment as an active member of the healthcare team to advance in IPEC competency area development.
  • Advance team interprofessional identity by engaging with team members in the context of teamwork, ethics, communication, and responsibilities in practice to consider the impact on team effectiveness and health outcomes.


Several Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies are developed through these activities:

  • Communication: C 1, 3, 5
  • Roles & Responsibilities: RR 4
  • Teams & Teamwork: TT 2, 6
  • Values & Ethics: VE 5, 6