The Power of Vulnerability

Illustration of a girl with a frown holding a mask with a smile

Vulnerability: According to the theoretical framework of the vulnerability theory, vulnerability is defined as the characteristic that positions us in relation to each other as human beings and suggests a relationship of responsibility between the state, their institutions, and the individual. 

Courage: Tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.


Healthcare professionals value connecting with their patients. Connection is what gives purpose and meaning to life. However, to make connections and build relationships with others, you need to display vulnerability. Like in the definition above, vulnerability is “the characteristic that positions us in relation to each other as human beings”. To connect with others we need to become vulnerable. How do you display vulnerability? Bene Brown describes four steps to becoming vulnerable: courage, compassion, connection, and acceptance. Courage. Find the courage to be imperfect. Compassion. Treat yourself kindly before displaying kindness to patients. Connection.  A result of authenticity,let go of who you think you should be and be who you are. To make meaningful connections, you need to be yourself. Acceptance. Accept that what makes you vulnerable is what makes you beautiful.

Implications for IPC

Displaying vulnerability allows health professionals to make connections with their patients, but it also allows them to make connections with their interprofessional teams. Vulnerability is associated with openness to the world that supports personal growth, presents opportunities for innovation and creativity, and promotes relationship formation. As a healthcare professional, the relationships that are built with patients can bring emotional demands and stressors. If professionals aren’t being honest about their stress, it can lead to more stress and potential burnout. Additionally, utilizing support from a team is necessary to reduce burnout. However, if professionals aren’t using vulnerability, they won’t get the support they need from their team members. Furthermore, vulnerability is an inherent shared condition. Everyone will have a feeling of vulnerability and it can alleviate feelings of isolation and help build resilience.

March 31, 2022

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